Laleche league meetings July
This Wednesday, July 16, at 10 am is the July West Toddler La Leche League Meeting. This meeting is about Nursing a Toddler / Weaning / Tandem Nursing but if you have other toddler breastfeeding issues we can certainly address those too. We would enjoy it if you could join us for this month's meeting so that you can share your experiences with other moms. If you're nursing a child over the age of 12 months, or are planning to, then this is a great meeting to attend to learn about all the great things in store for you.
This Thursday, July 17, at 7 pm is the July West PM La Leche League Meeting. This meeting is about Adjusting To Your Baby's Changing Needs but if you have other breastfeeding issues we can certainly address those too. We would enjoy it if you could join us for this month's meeting so that you can share your experiences with other moms. Nighttime meetings are a great way for working moms to share tips with other moms who are going through similar challenges.
Both meetings are held at Riverbend Church, which is located on Loop 360 (Capitol of Texas Highway) just south of the river (between 2222 & Bee Cave), in Quad 2 Room A – it's on the front side of the quad buildings, right across the walkway from the bathrooms.
It would be wonderful if you came to either (or both) of the meetings to share your experiences with the other moms. I hope that we see you there.
Natalie Galletti
Co-Leader with several other wonderful women at the West Toddler, West PM & Oak Hill La Leche League Meetings.
Additionally, there is another LLL meeting in southwest Austin this week. The South II Group meets this Friday at 10:15 am in the conference room at the Will Hampton Library. The library is located on Convict Hill Road between Beckett and Brush Country.
If you feel that La Leche League has helped make a difference in your life then please consider becoming a member or renewing your membership at the next meeting. It's only $40 for the whole year, about the same as dinner for 2 and a movie, and it helps support the organization that has helped you so that we can continue to help others. Thanks!
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